Why Do automotive Dealers Need Yana Customer Service?

These AI-powered customer agents support intelligent and proactive customer service. Automotive dealers are competent to deliver a royal class of customer service by assembling customer satisfaction metrics, such as Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Service Level Agreement & Key Performance Indicator (SLA & KPI) through Yana Customer Service, to boost Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) in automotive services.

Proactive Customer Support

Timely customer service is essential in converting automotive services to customer-driven services to secure customer loyalty, as customer experience has become a staple in the vehicle buying journey. Yana Customer Service offers customer service optimization and a real-time customer satisfaction dashboard to sync with today’s customer expectations.

Measurable & Trackable Customer Journeys

A successful digital transformation journey in automotive services should supplement by actionable customer insights and automatable customer agents. Automotive dealers derive in-depth customer analysis through trackable customer journeys with a bevy of customer satisfaction metrics.

Reinforce Customer Service Alignments

Yana Customer Service aligns quality customer service across omnichannel touchpoints to customize and standardize call agent scripts. By implementing consistency and coherence customer service in automotive services, automotive dealers can expect exceptional customer retention rates and customer loyalty.


How Can Yana Customer Service
Extend Customer care In Dealerships?

Yana Customer Service allows automotive dealers to extend VIP customer service across omnichannel digital touchpoints and access real-time customer satisfaction analytics with different metrics, such as CSI, SLA & KPI.

Customer Service

Case Escalation
& Assignment
  • Create cases with
    escalation and
    assignment rules

  • Escalate & assign
    cases to the
    respective team
Case Escalation
& Assignment
  • Create cases with
    escalation and
    assignment rules

  • Escalate & assign
    cases to the
    respective team
Call Agent
Call Agent
  • Create a practical customer
    service knowledge base

  • Support knowledge base articles 

  • Maintain information consistency
    across multiple service channels
  • Create and track
    call agents through
    SLAs & KPIs

  • Measure & analyze
    the call agents'
  • Customize
    call scripts

  • Access to call
    script templates
  • Create cases with escalation and assignment rules
  • Escalate & assign cases to the respective team
  • Customize conversational call scripts
  • Access to call script templates
  • Create a practical customer service knowledge base
  • Support knowledge base articles
  • Maintain information consistency across multiple service channels
  • Create and track call agents through SLAs & KPIs
  • Measure & analyze the call agents’ performance

Click the download button to discover more about key benefits and key capabilities of Yana Customer Service.

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